Discipleship Transformation

  Transformation Track Study Courses

 Carrollton Avenue Baptist Church is committed to the spiritual growth of its member in the fellowship. We have a three step process to move people from new conversion into the growing body of Christ. We call it, Making Your Transition, because we know a growing church is a healthy church. Growing believers will have healthy families, and God honoring relationships.

 1 the Transformation Guide for New Members. This study introduces the new member to the family of God; and helps them understand the churches role in their ongoing Christian development.




  2. The Survival Kit Series is the next step in spiritual growth for members of Carrollton. 

5 Keys to Effective Spiritual Growth helps new and growing Christians understand and deal with conflicts between old and new patterns of thoughts and habits. It also helps believers develop a regular pattern of quiet time, prayer, Bible study, and Scripture memorization. Includes a small-group discussion guide and one-to-one counselor's guide. (6 sessions).

 3. The Master Life Discipleship Series is a transformative journey for those ready to deepen their faith. Under the guidance of Pastor Brian and First Lady Denise, this 24-week in-depth Bible study equips believers to become empowered teachers, guiding new Christians on their spiritual journeys.

Participants will discover how to achieve victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil, while embracing their God-given mission to help others develop profound relationships with Christ.

Key topics include:

- Restoring broken relationships

- Sharing faith through connections

- Supporting new believers

- Growing as disciples

- Making disciples

- Developing co-laborers with a kingdom perspective

- Serving in the local church and community under pastoral leadership.

 This program inspires individuals to strengthen their faith and leadership, impacting their communities for the glory of God.

So, if you are looking for a place to grow and go in the name of Jesus, Carrollton is a fellowship you should consider visiting this Sunday 11am.