Team Transformation
Brian K. Webber Lead Pastor
It is my goal as a Pastor in one of the most visited cities in the world, New Orleans, to bring the message of salvation and biblical discipleship to any, regardless of ethnic background. We are located in the heart of historic New Orleans, and we’re witnessing a renaissance of the Carrollton area of the city. Carrollton Avenue Baptist Church is situated less than 10 minutes away from all of the major sites and attractions this wonderful city offers. Our mission is Unlocking the Truth for Transformation.
If you plan to visit NOLA in the near future, drop in, and we would love to be your personal guide and welcome you into our church for worship and fellowship.
First Lady, Denise Webber, Women's Ministry/Program Director
Sometimes when life gets you down, it’s amazing how God brings people or events into your life to lift you up again. It may be just a song, or message you hear on Sunday, or a friend who offers encouraging words to you. But there are times you may need more than that. Carrollton Avenue Baptist Church is committed to the spiritual health of every member in the body of Christ. would you like to discover the presence of God in a fresh new way? Come join the ladies’ ministry as we experience true Biblical Transformation.

Aric Scott Ministry of Finance, Men's Transformation Class Facilitator
God calls the church to reach the lost, and I love serving at Carrollton because our ministry financially supports out reach and evangelism.

Courtney Webber Youth Ministry
Serving in youth Ministry multiplies efforts long-term.
There are few ministry opportunities that allow you to impact the future is such a direct way. When you love and teach kids this Sunday, you are also influencing generations to come. These youth will one day become parents and church leaders themselves. If you want to change the world long-term, then you should serve in youth Ministry.

Kathy Cook Ladies Transformation Class Lead Teacher
There is nothing more important than proclaiming the Word of God and striving to live by the Word you proclaim. At CABC we stand firm on the Word of God. It is God's word that transforms lives. Being a part of the Ladies Trans Class gives me an opportunity to not only share with others how God's Word has impacted my life, but allows me to see Him working in the lives of others as we study His Word together. I get to watch Him develop leaders and there is no greater joy.

Jo ann Perkins Children's Ministry
I love working with the children of Carrollton beause Jesus said let the little children come to me, for such is the kingdom of Heaven. Children are open to hear the heart of God very early, and I like to play a part in shaping them. This world would be so different if we would understand, we were children once. lets change the world through our children.

Erika Webber Media Ministry, Youth class teacher
My ministry is media: sermon projection, editing and CD production, Youtube video production, Instagram contributor. Contact me if you would like any of the message series from Carrollton.

Kennedy Cook
My Ministry is teaching The Transformation Guide for new members and the Survival Kit study. These two studies connect new members to the church community and to a closer walk with the Lord.
Jacquelyn Carr
My ministry is to present the Carrollton Church family to the social media world by developing and executing the spiritual, social media footprint. We are committed to Unlocking the Truth for Transformation. Go and make disciples of all nations. We believe social media is an excellent platform for spreading the good news of the Gospel.
Cutting for Christ Lawncare Outreach
Cutting for Christ is a lawncare outreach ministry to those in the community that find it difficult to cut their grass on a regular schedule. A team comes together to cut grass and share Christ lifting the esthetics of the community and lifting the souls of those needing a deeper relationship with the lord.
It is a powerful outreach for the glory of the kingdom of God, headed By Keokie Davis.